Like all energy related stocks, XOM is quite extended. This bounce may be a chance to short it. The stop can be placed somewhere above the SMA5.

Weak Job Market

After breaking out last resistences, all indexes went down today although they were up for the week.

Long: SOHU (it’s forming a bull flag, trail 2 and sell limit @40), SUNW (stop @3.5) and HNP (trail 3).

Short: QQQ (Oct PUT, under water) and AMZN (Sep PUT) and XOM (Sep PUT). The AMZN and XOM puts are left over from previous hedges for closed SSF trades.

Weak Job Market

After breaking out last resistences, all indexes went down today although they were up for the week.

Long: SOHU (it’s forming a bull flag, trail 2 and sell limit @40), SUNW (stop @3.5) and HNP (trail 3).

Short: QQQ (Oct PUT, under water) and AMZN (Sep PUT) and XOM (Sep PUT). The AMZN and XOM puts are left over from previous hedges for closed SSF trades.